How Do I Use My Facial Brush?

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Surprisingly, facial cleansing brushes are actually quite simple: all you have to do is pick up your favourite cleanser, wet your brush and move it around your face in small circular motions. The result? Cleaner, softer skin.


Can I use a facial cleansing brush every day?

If you are not familiar with face wash brush, it is best to incorporate them slowly into your daily routine (once or twice a week at most). You need to wash your brush every time you use it, regardless of the frequency of use - no exceptions.

MR-1682 Mini Sonic Facial Brush, designed with 3 different brush heads, suitable for sensitive, normal and mixed skin. With sonic oscillation technology, dual directions, and speeds, it deeply cleans residual dirt in the pore, promotes absorption.

Mini Sonic Facial Brush

Mini Sonic Facial Brush

How do I use my facial brush?

Aestheticians have extensive training in the physiology of the skin and know how different levels of pressure can have a significant effect on it - some extra pressure is beneficial to certain areas and pressure on others should be avoided. They also know that over-cleansing and over-exfoliating can damage the skin - so don't use a household brush more than once a day. Having said that, you can definitely use a face exfoliating brush at home with the right knowledge.

Never start without make-up on your skin. In order to deep cleanse, you need to use a special make-up remover to remove all make-up from your face . Without this step, skin cleansing brushes will just swirl concealer, mascara and foundation around your pores.

Once your skin is free of make-up, apply a high quality cleanser to your face. Using gentle pressure, massage the facial brush and cleanser into the skin in small circular motions, then rinse with warm water. Use the face wash brush 1-3 times a week.

Many people waste time and money looking for the best sensitive skin cleansing brush or acne cleansing brush but you should avoid using the facial brush it on sensitive skin, acne prone skin or skin that is sunburnt or has any open lesions as it can exacerbate these conditions.

Facial Cleansing Brushe Heads

Facial Cleansing Brushe Heads

The best cleanser to use with a facial brush

The facial cleaning brush is only as good as the cleanser you use. This is a big one. Some home electronic facial cleansing brushes come with their own cleanser. Watch out for this! One cleanser does not work for all skin types. It can't hydrate dry skin while absorbing excess oil and shine for oily skin, while balancing combination skin.

So give up on one-size-fits-all skin care products and ask yourself: What is my skin type? Once you know, you can choose a cleanser specially formulated for you, using a gentle yet effective brushes to clean face.

Think of it this way. You wouldn't get a great espresso machine and use regular coffee beans, would you?

Do you use a facial brush at home? Tell us about your experiences. Have any questions about how to use a facial cleansing brush? If you want to get more information about the best facial cleansing device, welcome to contact us today or request a quote.

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