How often Should You Give Your Baby A Bath?

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While some parents prefer to bathe their newborn every day until your child crawls around and makes a mess, a full body bath doesn't need to be given more than 3 times a week for the first year. Plus, bathing your baby often can dry out the skin.

Safety note: Handling a wet, slippery, soapy newborn takes practice and confidence, so stay calm and maintain a good grip. You'll soon get the hang of it! Bathing can actually be fun and a special bonding time between you and your baby.

Your baby may find the warm water of the bath very soothing and pleasant. On the other hand, he/she may scream throughout the experience, making it a stressful ordeal. If this is the case, a quick 5 minute bath is enough to get your baby clean before the water cools.


When is the best time to wash the sponge?

During the first week or so of life, it is best to sponge your baby with a warm, moist towel rather than fully submerging him or her in water. Wash the face and hands thoroughly, paying special attention to the genital area.

You can start bathing your newborn after the umbilical cord stump has dried and fallen off and the area has healed (1-4 weeks) and/or the circumcision has healed (1-2 weeks). Although he/she is very young, use a kitchen sink or a small plastic baby bathtub instead of a standard bathtub for safety reasons.

Baby Silicone Bath Brush

Baby Silicone Bath Brush

Prepare bathing supplies before bathing

Before preparing your baby for bath time, keep all the supplies you need together and within reach of the tub. Never leave your baby unattended while looking for shampoo or towels. Here are the items we recommend having on hand.

a soft, clean washcloth

mild, unscented baby soap and shampoo

a soft brush to stimulate the baby’s scalp

towels or blankets

a clean diaper

clean clothes

Clean clothes

Baby Silicone Bath Brush

Baby Silicone Bath Brush

How we chose our favorites?

Ultimately, everyone is going to have their own preference when it comes to grooming tools, especially those made for babies. But babies are wriggly, so we prioritized options that are easy for caretakers to use, even one-handed.

We also focused on a brush’s ability to tackle a specific issue — like cradle cap or extreme tangles — or on brushes that can be used beyond infancy.

MR-1750 Baby silicone bath brush is one of the best choices for babies at the age of 1 to 6, the ultra-soft and food-grade silicone bristles with constant warmth soothe the babies' delicate and sensitive skin.

If you’re looking for a simple brush that can pull triple duty. This sturdy NICEMAY Baby Silicone Bath Brush can work as a brush and a gentle exfoliator for baby’s skin.

Best of all, it features a solid textured handle that’s easy to grip while you’re sudsing up your little one but won’t encourage the growth of mildew or bacteria.

If you want to get more information about the best baby bath safety products, welcome to contact us today or request a quote.

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